10/22 Sunday Round Up

Sunday morning round-up. Basically, really cool things from around the internet to look at while drinking some coffee on Sunday Morning. Click on the description to be taken to some cool articles, pictures, tips and recipes.

This space is super amazing

Navy Nail love, can’t wait to try this and pair it with one of my many army green anorak jackets 

I should really bust my sparkle oxfords out before it gets too cold! 

Looking for a reason to make a batch of these vegan truffels, mhmmmmm

Funkins, aka fun pumpkins

Joy Cho of OHJOY! gets me every time, every single time

Back to basics? I think OhHappyDay! basically broke into my house and took pictures of my closet, swoon, the essentials are where its at! 

Finally, broke down and got this tote, I am hoping that it will help me contain myself, and only carry one bag instead of multiple tote bags. So excited! 

Hair Rut? Mom hair? Some easy, super cute non technical solutions! 

* Image above used without permission from HERE

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